7 Interesting Facts About Thermostatic Mixing Valves and Why You Need to Have One Installed

Turning on the tap in the office shouldn’t scald your hands. So, what can you do to fix that? Have you ever heard of a thermostatic mixing valve?

Here is everything you need to know about a thermostatic mixing valve and why you need to have it installed in your water heating system.

What Exactly is a Thermostatic Mixing Valve?

A thermostatic valve, or TMV as it is more commonly known, is a valve that combines hot and cold water to ensure running water is at a safe and constant temperature. Not only does this prevent scalding but you also avoid the deadly legionella bacteria which breeds in water.

How Does a TMV Work?

Thermal sensitive components contract or expand depending on temperature fluctuations of incoming hot and cold water. A safe temperature is set by a certified mechanical plumber.

Is it Necessary to Have a TMV?

By law, it is mandatory for all hot water systems to have a properly working thermostatic mixing valve. To remain compliant with industry regulations, commercial buildings need to have TMVs fitted with a maximum temperature of 50°C to prevent burns. Schools, childcare centers and facilities that provide care for aged, sick or disabled individuals should only have a maximum temperature of 45°C.

Where Do You Install a TMV?

TMVs are usually installed at the water heater itself. They can also be installed at any plumbing fitting that requires water temperature to be controlled. Don’t try and install this yourself, but rather have a certified professional do it for you. After all, you don’t want to put anyone at risk and professionals know how to get it right the first time.

Banjo Nominees, one of the top commercial plumbing companies Melbourne has to offer, will be able to locate the appropriate place for your TMV, and install the device.

Should I Have My TMV Tested?

It’s important TMV testing be conducted regularly so that you can ensure your device is working effectively and meets the relevant government regulations for plumbing and safety. Only specific TMV licensed plumbing professionals are able to complete alterations, repairs, maintenance and testing on a TMV device. At Banjo Nominees, we have licensed TMV plumbers and can provide routine annual testing and servicing to ensure your thermostatic mixing valves meet Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (AS3500).

What is The Difference Between a Tempering Valve and a Thermostatic Mixing Valve?

Usually, tempering valves are installed in smaller domestic water heating systems. TMVs are fitted where there is a larger demand for accurate heater temperature control, like hospitals and schools.

How Long Does a TMV Last?

TMVs are generally very reliable. Some studies have shown that if installed correctly, they could last years. This shows the importance of using professional services for your installation. But of course, it also depends on conditions it was used in as well as how often it receives proper plumbing maintenance.

Ensuring that you have your water heating system properly maintained by the experts at Banjo Nominees will definitely increase your TMV’s lifespan.

For new installations, we can identify the correct place to install thermostatic mixing valves in your business. Professional installation and comprehensive TMV testing are part of the exceptional service offered by Banjo Nominees. If you already have a TMV installed, the guys at Banjo Nominee will perform a TMV test and determine if there’s any work to be done to get you up to code.

Fix your water temperature today! Visit our website or call Banjo’s Williamstown plumbers for a quote today – 03 9397 1111.